Many of us have pets, but finding a new one with the proper pedigree can be nothing less than a difficult, tedious process. At Lilbears Kennels, you’ll find healthy pets. Our adults are genetic health tested to insure that your puppy will be free of future genetic problems. These tests include Cystinuria, MPS VI, Degenerative Melyopathy and PLL. Genetic testing is done by Orivet at Orivet is the first lab to come up with a panel for the Harlequin Pinscher. This panel includes 16 different tests for the Harlequin Pinscher breed. The panel shows which genetic characteristics the dog has including color, coat length and the genetic diseases - Cystinuria, MPS VI, Degenerative Melyopathy and PLL. All of my dogs have had DNA sequencing done - this allows myself and you as the puppy buyer the piece of mind that the puppy I send you does in fact belong to the parents I tell you. We are located in Lincoln, Kansas and you can reach us at 7855246010.